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Mortgage Choice Act is a Failed Opportunity

Last week, the House of Representatives passed HR 1153, the Mortgage Choice Act. The Act, sponsored by Representatives Bill Huizenga (R-MI), Steve Stivers (R-OH), Mike Doyle (D-PA) and David Joyce (R-OH), passed with a small amount of bi-partisan support and was strongly supported by the...

What Language is Zoning Code?

This post promises to be a short one. It could be much longer because I could cut and paste any number of sections from any number of municipal zoning codes to make my point.  But I won't.  I will state my case succinctly. As a real...

Where is the Compassion in Homeless Policy?

For all the positive steps that cities are taking to affordable housing policy and programs, there is another level of housing that government too often does not handle well: housing and other programs for the homeless. Homelessness is a politically tricky and sensitive subject for...

House Moves to Replace Dodd-Frank

Republicans in Congress have long talked about the need to replace the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act. President Trump made replacement of the Act one of his campaign promises, notwithstanding  that components of Dodd-Frank were instrumental in helping to jump start the economy following the financial...