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Attorney Spotlight: Hugo V. Alvarez

We’re proud of all our Real Estate practice team members and know that their dedication to quality service is what elevates Becker above the competition. Take a moment to get to know the talent behind your next transaction! Name Hugo V. Alvarez What is your favorite Florida neighborhood?...

Liquidated Damages and Your Listing Agreement

Q: Will the courts enforce the liquidated damages provision in my listing agreement? A: That depends on a few things. A liquidated damages provision in a listing agreement sets forth the amount of money both parties agree will be paid to the broker in the event that...

Borrower Beware of Funding Reserves

Lending is a very competitive market today. When a lender presents a term sheet, it is very important to scrutinize all of the salient terms. How reserves are to be funded and held can change the dynamics of the transaction. Most of the time, the borrower...


Challenging the New Development Next Door

In most county and city governments, the land use process is one that will allow for some basic decisions to be made at staff levels, with higher levels of review in the form of public hearings required for larger scale projects, or proposals that deviate...

Why Brokers Should Consider a Land Use Attorney

As brokers, you are constantly looking at ways to maximize value for your clients. Whether you represent sellers or buyers, you may be missing out on huge opportunities by not engaging in land use due diligence. Many of you are familiar with real estate due...

Attorney Spotlight: Philip C. Rosen

We’re proud of all our Real Estate practice team members and know that their dedication to quality service is what elevates Becker above the competition. Take a moment to get to know the talent behind your next transaction! Name Philip C. Rosen What is your favorite Florida neighborhood? Wynwood What...

Attorney Spotlight: David K. Blattner

David Blattner has over 25 years of experience in complex real estate transactions and concentrates on acquisitions and financing and development of large-scale shopping centers, office buildings and executive parks, marinas, warehouse, flex projects, hotels, single-family and multi-family residential developments and condominiums. David represents a wide...

Commercial Real Estate Development (FL)

Commercial Real Estate Development (FL) discusses key considerations for a developer of commercial real estate (CRE) in Florida. For purposes of this note, CRE development refers to retail, office, medical, industrial, hospitality, multifamily residential, and other types of commercial properties. Development means new construction or renovation...